Baseball Reflections

9 Ways To Improve Your Pitching Velocity

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If you look at the latest MLB standings you will see that the top teams are those that have very good pitchers. These pitchers practice a lot and they know how to use their arm to get the maximum pitching velocity, which is very important when it comes to throwing.

If you are looking to throw fast balls all while avoiding both elbow and shoulder injuries, then you’ve come to the right place.
Here you will find out 9 strategies that you can use to significantly boost your pitching velocity.

Let’s begin.

? Eat More Food

This one may come as a bit of a surprise. How does food help you throw faster balls? Well, it all comes down to body weight.

A heavier pitcher will throw on average faster balls compared to a slim pitcher with less mass. That is when everything else is kept constant.

? Incorporate The Glove Arm

The glove arm will play a part in ensuring good flexion, trunk arching, and trunk rotation. The combination of these will help generate power in the throw thus resulting in a faster-moving ball.

There are two ways that you can use your glove arm in your pitching.
First off you can fire the glove arm towards the plate.

Secondly, you can lead the elbow directly at the plate.

? Get Rid Of The Balance Point

When pitching, there should be fluid movement from raising the knee up down, and out. The downside with using a balance point is that it results in head movement causing less power and thus reducing the velocity.

? Increasing Bend At The Front Knee

The more the front knee is bent when pitching the faster the velocity. Note however that you will need to quickly shift your weight to the front knee to be able to use the momentum to boost your pitching velocity.

? Increase Elbow Flexion

Increasing the bend in your elbow during foot strike significantly increases the velocity of the pitch. Aim for an elbow bend of 90 degrees to achieve the hardest throw.

? Don’t Rush the Pitch

Rushing your delivery can mess up your pitch velocity. This is because it causes you to shift your body towards the plate too early when the stride foot is coming into contact with the ground. As a result, the arm position is lowered resulting in lower pitch velocity.

? Increasing Forward Trunk Tilt When Releasing The Ball

Keep in mind that this is not to say that you should bend your back. Instead, keep the back straight while bending the hips. This allows maximum flexion at the hips and not at the back resulting in a more powerful ball release.

? Thrusting The Chest At The Target When Pitching

The movement from the back leg to the throwing hand results in a reverse C. By thrusting your chest forward at the target, you generate force that is then transferred to the ball during the pitch resulting in a faster velocity.

? Using A Four-Seam Grip

Note that force is being generated from the movement of the body to the ball. The best grip to transfer all that energy is the four-seam grip. This is because the ball is in a balanced position.

Final Word

These 9 tips can help you significantly increase your pitching velocity. Keep in mind that it will take time to master each tip and plenty of practice will go a long way.
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