The History of MLB

Baseball has been a part of American life and culture since the mid-19th century. Over its long history, Major League Baseball (MLB) – America’s premier professional baseball league – has become an iconic representation of our nation’s pastime. From its humble beginnings as a regional sport to now being one of the most popular sports […]
The Ultimate Red Sox “Mash-Up” For Kids

NEW YORK (Sept. 22, 2020) — The Best Ever Brief History of the Boston Red Sox is biographical and autobiographical, historical and humorous, educational and packed with images of baseball cards and online video references—with all roads leading back to one incredible baseball team, the Boston Red Sox. Written for ages 6-12 (and for nostalgic […]
A Brief History of Baseball in the USA

Baseball is the pinnacle of Americana. The ceremonial first pitch. Singing “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” alongside thousands of others. Old school fans listening to the radio and jotting down stats at the same time. Peanuts, hot dogs, Cracker Jack, and nachos alongside that beautiful unnaturally yellow cheese. There’s a reason why baseball […]
The best Third Baseman in the History of Baseball

Most young baseball fans have been taught that no one played third base like Brooks Robinson. That Brooks was the undisputed best third baseman of all time. When discussing this I have to be careful since I like Brooks. Just a couple of years after he retired he came through our area and played […]
What would Babe Ruth, Honus Wagner & Willie Mays be paid in 2015?
Hey baseball fans! With the offseason upon us, money is a big topic in many of my baseball-related conversations. Should this player be paid more? Should this player be paid less? Should this player sign a bigger contract? I have heard these questions daily for the past couple of months and I’ve answered them differently […]
An infographic on how baseball has evolved over the years
Provided by Nationwide Insurance
ML”what would”B: What if Bo Jackson Had Stuck with Just Baseball?
Hey baseball fans! I just put up another ML”what would”B post on More Than a Fan. In every ML”what would”B alternative history post, I discuss what would have happened if a famous event in baseball history had gone differently than it did in reality. For my latest post, I wondered what would have happened if Bo Jackson had stuck […]
Bring back day baseball for the World Series
Good news for baseball over football this week. The ratings came out for the 2013 Pro Bowl and only 9.9 million watched that game. That means that Game Three of the 2012 World Series outdrew the Pro Bowl, after failing to outdraw the football All- Star game the past few years. Why does baseball do so […]
The History of Little League Baseball
Little League Baseball is the largest organization for youth sports and has been the hallmark organization for children’s recreational baseball for over 70 years. From a meager beginning of only one league and 30 total participants in 1939 Little League Baseball has grown to 7,123 leagues and 2,513,760 participants as of the year 2010. […]
Happy Memorial Day!
This being Memorial Day, I thought it would be best to introduce those of you who are not familiar with the site, Baseball in Wartime! I’ve always wanted to write my own write up on MLB players who served our country in times of war, but I have yet to complete this project…maybe someday! This […]
In Honor of the 10th Anniversary of 911
In lieu of a moment of silence, which we obviously cannot do on a blog, a volunteered group of members of the Baseball Bloggers Alliance (BBA) are participating in a site blackout tomorrow, 9/11/2011. In honor of the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy, we have agreed to collectively go “dark” for the entire day of […]
Baseball Miscellany: A Book Review
Serious baseball fans tend to think they know the answers to the serious baseball questions that non-serious baseball fans may not even understand, let alone be able to answer. What these serious fans may not realize when they are explaining what VORP means to their seemingly impressed co-worker, is that they don’t even know the […]
Baseball Heroes of World War II
Here’s a quick, pre-spring training, WWII video highlighting famous MLB players who gave up years of their baseball career in order to serve their beloved country in a time of war! Let’s remember them by adding any war stories of them that you have either heard of or know from first hand experience, in the […]
Australian Baseball League Launched…Again
They come from the land Down Under and they hope to make a splash with professional baseball in Australia. They’ve tried this before, but let’s hope it sticks this time around. Watch the video below for a brief history of the game in Australia, and maybe it will shed some light as to what went […]
Get 20% Off Baseball Art at
Our friends over at have graciously offered you, the Baseball Reflections readers, 20% off all orders $25 or more from now until the end of the month (October 31st)! To get this discount, just enter the following code: Code: PLAYBALL Expires: Oct. 31, 2010 To see their selection of Baseball art, just follow this […]
Video Interview with Author of 25 Greatest Players of All Time
Author/Sportscaster Len Berman on his latest book, ‘The 25 Greatest Baseball Players of All Time’ on the Fox Business Network. They also touch upon the topic of Brett Favre before they start talking about Berman’s book. They talk about the topic of how people should view top athletes. Should fans look differently at them due […]
American and National League Divisional Series Prediction
OK, this is my first attempt at a webcast so it’s bound to be a little rough around the edges. I now see that it is much easier doing one of these with at least one more person like on the BBA Baseball Talk podcasts or online with the guys over at Pro Rumors TV. […]
Around the Horn in the MLB
Image via Wikipedia The Current State of the Playoff Picture Last week saw the first team clinch not only a playoff spot, but their division as well. For those of you who missed their celebration, here’s some video of it… The second team to clinch both a playoff spot and their division was the Texas […]
DRSEA INFORMER: The Man With The Plan, Sandy Alderson
Volume III, Issue 12: A Publication For Your Reading Enjoyment Contrary to what some might believe, Sandy Alderson, Major League Baseball´s emissary to the Dominican Republic, does not have horns sprouting from his head. I met recently with the reform czar and came away with the impression that – while Alderson still faces an uphill […]
Texas Rangers OF Josh Hamilton, His Story in His Own Words
In this I Am Second narrative by Baseball star Josh Hamilton from the I’m A Witness program. All you get is a dark room, a white chair, a spotlight and Josh talking about his past.
A Case for the Creation of Baseball in Pittsfield, MA from 1791
There seems to be a case for the origins of the game of baseball hailing from the Bay State (Massachusetts) rather than Cooperstown, NY, home of Doubleday Field and The Baseball Hall of Fame. So was baseball created in Cooperstown, NY by Mr. Doubleday, (as per the book “Live All You Can” as mentioned in […]
The Wizard of Oz, Ozzie Smith on The Baseball Bunch
This is one of the most popular episodes of The Baseball Bunch (which ran from 1982-85), featuring Hall of Fame SS Ozzie Smith (c. 1983)! This year is the 25th anniversary of the show ending, a show that I think should be revitalized to bring the younger generation back into the game! What do you […]
Advertising & Product Reviews on Baseball Reflections
Image by shannonkringen via Flickr For those of you who do not already know, Baseball Reflections is looking to replace some of the affiliate ads on the site with YOUR text linked or image linked ads! The ads that must go (or get bumped below the fold) are Amazon, EA Sports, Fan Duel, & Lids. […]
Nats Fans Beware: The Strasburg Effect
Nats Fans Beware: Too much of a good thing can be bad for your health. Here's what can happen when watching future Nats Ace Stephen Strasburg battle back from a 3-0 count to strike a batter out! The first time around shows Strasburg's last three pitches (all strikes) & you have to look hard in […]
Baseball News, Tweets & More…Thursday pm
Image by Getty Images via Daylife Thursday Afternoon Edition <!–[if gte mso 10]> @ESPN_baseball: Dodgers hitting coach Don Mattingly says team has discussed him eventually replacing Joe Torre – @MLB_Monster: LaRoche eyes more power in 2010: LaRoche eyes more power in 2010 & Rockies, Todd Helton Agree To Extension: The Rockies and first […]
First Annual Baseball Reflections Pledge Drive: Update
We’ve added some perks to the pledge drive today. Actually, we forgot to mention this in the kickoff article a week ago! Sorry about that! All previous pledges will count towards these added bonuses. For every $30 donation you are free to choose an item, under $6.00 from our line of Baseball Reflections merchandise which […]
Baseball Bloggers Alliance (BBA) Now on Blog Talk Radio!
The writers of the Baseball Bloggers Alliance would like to announce that they are taking to the airwaves. Beginning Tuesday, February 16th at 11 pm Eastern, BBA Baseball Talk can be found at Blog Talk Radio. This one-hour show will discuss the big stories of the day in major league baseball and other baseball-related topics. […]
A Post In Celebration of President’s Day
What If There Were Baseball In Colonial Times? The Coaching Staff Manager: George Washington – a born leader who will make mistakes along the way (fans would have criticized his moves as a baseball manager just like they do in today’s game, but he is the master of learning from his mistakes. I’d take our […]
Help Us Improve Baseball
During this busy Hot Stove Season we are taking this opportunity to ask you, our readers, what you like, dislike about Baseball Likewise, we want to know what you want to see more of and what you would like to see us write about that we don’t already do. To contribute your most important […]
Andre Dawson: 2010 Hall of Fame Inductee
Image via Wikipedia Belated Congratulations On Wednesday, January 6th, OF Andre “Hawk” Dawson, in his 8th year of eligibility (starts 5 years after retirement) was the sole player inductee into the 2010 class of the Baseball Hall of Fame. Career Highlights 21 seasons 2627 Games Played Rookie of the Year in 1977 NL MVP in […]