2009 MLB Free Agent Update

While I haven’t found any website or blog that can beat MLB Trade Rumors for your daily scoop of baseball rumors and transactions (trades, free agent signings, etc.), my favorite site to find out where every free agent has signed is ESPN.

Their MLB Baseball Free Agent Tracker, although it’s a little slow (usually takes a day or more to update), provides you with the most complete list of free agents. Their list shows the player’s age, position, former team from the previous year and up until they are signed (or retired) their ESPN ranking among the free agents at the beginning of the Hot Stove Season. Once they do sign ESPN then gives their salary and length of seasons signed for (unless it is for a minor league contract).

These can also be sorted by signed and unsigned, dollars (salary), ESPN free agent ranking and team spending.

So far we have seen the following big names sign.

Chone Figgins by the Mariners
John Lackey, Marco Scutaro and Mike Cameron by the Red Sox
Billy Wagner, Takashi Saito and Troy Glaus (to play 1B) by the Braves
Andy Pettitte by the Yankees
Jason Bay by the Mets
Randy Wolf by the Brewers
Rafael Soriano by the Rays
Pudge Rodriguez, Jason Marquis, Matt Capps and Scott Olsen

There are more, but you can check those out for yourselves…

By the way, by sorting this list by Team Spending the Red Sox, so far, are outspending everyone else by over $60M. The Brewers are in second with over $42M spent.

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