Baseball Links Exchange

This week’s Baseball Links Exchange will focus on Out in the Desert, an MVN site on the Arizona Diamondbacks authored by Devin Jessup and Nicholas Cote.

Here is the author’s bio on Nick from the Authors page (Devin doesn’t have a listed bio here):

Nick is currently in his senior year at Providence College, where he studies political science and serves as president of the Debate Society and vice president of the political science honor society. When not at school in the middle of Red Sox Nation, Nick resides in Las Vegas, making his love for the Diamondbacks a bit more manageable. He spends far too much time in front of the television.

The Diamondbacks are a team that I really like. I like the direction they are taking as an organization (the youth movement) and I like the way they play and they have a young GM in Josh Byrnes, too. In my opinion, all they need to be a serious contender is a veteran presence in the clubhouse, preferably a player in the starting line up. A player in the Derek Jeter mold would be a positive influence and may just give them the confidence they need to go deep into the playoffs.

I picked this MVN (Most Valuable Network) hosted blog due to the quality that the people at MVN produce. Check them out by either clicking HERE or any of the other three of their links on this page. Enjoy!

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